I help those who have lost a loved one find relief from the pain of grief while still honoring their connection with them.
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- I know all too well the pain and fear of unprocessed grief and how lonely and intimidating grief can be.
- I come from an inter-generational legacy of motherless daughters, who have lost their mothers too soon. No one should have to go through the grieving process alone.
- After spending 25 years working with clients with grief, trauma and attachment wounds I realized there has to be a better way to help folks with the isolation and suffering associated with grief.
- I help fellow grievers feel supported, validated, seen and heard.
- I demystify grief and loss and break it into smaller pieces so it doesn't feel so big.
- I help grievers stay connected to their loved one, not their pain.
- I honor grief as the normal and natural experience that it is.
- I support helping professionals grieve well so they can continue to guide their clients and patients while honoring their own grief journey.

My Expertise:
Helping grievers connect with their loss and each other, to move from isolation and avoidance to connection and joy.

Who I Work With:
Grievers that are tired of the world wanting them to just move on and get over their grief, but are also tired of feeling empty and isolated.

Unique Opportunity for Helping Professions: Self of the Therapist Grief Training
Are you a helping professional trying to keep your head above water while grieving?
Are you struggling with helping others while knowing you need help too?
I see you, I understand you, I am you.
Come to a brave space that caters to grieving healers while obtaining 17.5 hours of CEUs.
You will go through the self-paced modules and we will meet live as a group on 3.31.23, 4.15.23, 5.19.23 and 6.2.23 from 9-11 am (CT) online via zoom. We will go through the modules and explore the depths of your grief in a space with other professionals. Cost is $350.
You give and give to so many, now it's time for you to RECEIVE.
Email [email protected] to get the link to sign up.
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I’ve made a free 15 minute training where I am teaching grievers exactly what they can do to begin to get relief from their pain, connect with fellow grievers and begin to create joy and meaning again.
Enter your details to watch the training: